Armenia by the glass podcast

Ep.7 Artem Parseghyan

Elaine Kassabian

In episode 7 of Armenia by the glass podcast, I talk with Artem Parseghyan, chief winemaker of Trinity Canyon Vineyards and Founder of Hazarvaz. Artem studied biology at Yerevan State University as an undergraduate but soon realised he was interested in winemaking. In 2011, he embarked on a two year Masters programme in Winemaking, Viticulture and Wine Business, which took him to France, Germany and Portugal. 

We talk about a whole range of topics, such as his current role as a winemaker, his own vineyard, which consists of 150-year-old vines, and the uniqueness of Aghavnadzor village in the Vayots Dzor region. Artem has just launched his first vintage from his vineyard under the label Hazarvaz, available at several outlets in Armenia. 

I hope you enjoy this episode. 

Armenia by the glass podcast is hosted by Elaine Kassabian.  
Find out more at 

Here is an outline of the episode: 

1.46    Introduction, education, journey into wine.  
5.14    About Aghavnadzor village. 
8.40    Winemaking education in Armenia. Establishment of EVN Academy. 
11.07  Internship in Portugal. Similarities between Armenian and Portuguese winemaking. 
14.37  Role as chief winemaker at Trinity Canyon Vineyards. 
16.14  Trinity Canyon Vineyards as an “experimental” winery. 
20.10  Using blends to introduce indigenous grapes.  
22.40  Hazarvaz wine, Artem’s vineyard in Aghavnadzor. 
31.57  Why Artem’s vineyard is called “Bitten by the snake.”  
33.50  Survival of 150-year-old vines.  
35.25  Future of Armenia and its wines.